vineri, octombrie 07, 2011

Fanslave - earn money with Facebook

Try it now for FREE!

FanSlave is a revolutionary, new marketing system to effectively advertise Fanpages with the goal of gaining more fans.
As the first provider in the world FanSlave allows you to make money with your Facebook page. After the successful registration, you can click through the pages of the FanSlave network. If you like the page, you get FanSlave credits for your efforts, which you can cash out after reaching the minimum payout of 15€

FanSlave detailed information

FanSlave is a revolutionary, new marketing system to effectively advertise Fanpages with the goal of gaining more fans. The system is easy to use and is customizable to your own needs. Membership is free with upgrade options. You have the option to purchase targeted fans by getting credits through FanSlave, or you can join the network and list your Fanpage to potentially gain more fans for free.

1 like in Facebook= 0.04 Euro
Min pay 15 Euros, via Paypal

FanSlave is a marketing system to help gain more fans for your own Fanpage. Once a member, you can select fans by their country, language, age and even their gender. The system allows you to naturally distribute your Facebook messages to everyone in the FanSlave network.which are real people. Then, they may forward your messages to their own Facebook friends giving you the potential to get even more exposure. FanSlave was developed as an affordable marketing solution for Facebook Fanpage owners. With literally no competition and no marketing saturation online, you can easily make money with their affiliate program too.

The FanSlave network is a secure site producing accurate results of honest users who really are interested in what you are offering because they will visit our page on their own. The software has different custom options where you can select the maximum number of fans per day. Members have complete control over their own budgets, their marketing campaigns, their fans and their own pages. You can get hundreds of free valuable fans in exchange for watching Fanpages in the FanSlave network, which is a great marketing exchange for those who may not want to invest money into the program right away. FanSlave is a unique and clever marketing method giving Fanpage owners the opportunity to increase their business faster with the service.

Sign Up!


miercuri, iunie 15, 2011

Az emberek pénzszerzés céljából kereskednek (Forex vs. Elite Alliance)

Az emberek többsége napi szinten kereskedik. Vannak, akik a szolgáltatásaikkal kereskednek, vannak, akik termékekkel mint például ételek, játékok, de egyvalamiben mindannyian megegyeznek: pénzért teszik. Az emberek azért kereskednek, hogy a mindennapjaikhoz szükséges pénzt előteremtsék.

Ezért dolgoznak az emberek, ezért alapítanak vállalkozásokat és ezért kereskednek a pénzügyi piacokon. Manapság már minden a pénz körül forog, hogy minél kényelmesebb életet biztosíts magadnak és a családodnak.

"Ha azon gondolkodsz, hogy a mindennapi munkádon felül is egy kis extra pénzt csinálj, megteheted a forex kereskedés segítségével. Meglepő, hogy az emberek többsége nem érti, hogyan működik a forex piac, de ennek ellenére meglehetősen nagy érdeklődést mutat a pénzügyi piacok ezen szegmense iránt. Sőt, a többségük ténylegesen ki is próbálná magát a világ legnagyobb és leglikvidebb pénzügyi piacán. Ehhez manapság már 200-300 dollár is elegendő.
A forex piac a pénzkeresés rendkívül vonzó módjával kecsegteti a tradereket. Habár a forex is kockázatos és tény, hogy vannak, akik pénzt veszítenek. De, ugyanakkor vannak emberek, akik milliomossá váltak a forex piacokon. A kulcs a sikerhez pedig a tanulás. Alapos forex oktatás nélkül sajnos a matematikai esélyei annak, hogy sikeres legyél a devizapiacokon, nagy mértékben lecsökkennek. Gondolj csak bele: rengeteg olyan trader áll veled szemben a forex piacokon, akik vették a fáradságot és képezték magukat, utánanéztek dolgoknak, mindezt azért, hogy pénzt keressenek vele. Akkor te miért ne tennéd ezt?"
- írjak a Forex-ről.
De tényleg, te miért ne tennéd ezt?
* először is alapfeltétel a forex piacon való jártasság
* megfelelő képzés szükséges
* nagy a kockázat
* nagy összegeket kell befektetni
* sok időt vesz igénybe
* folyamatosan a szemed előtt kell legyen
.... és még sorolhatnám.

De akkor miért nem választasz egy sokkal biztonságosabb, kockázatmentes vállalkozást?
Az Elite Alliance-t.
* akár 10 $-al is kezdhetsz
* biztonságos (az Alertpay kifizet, ha ezt nem tenné meg az Elite Alliance)
* befektetsz, majd 2 hét múlva csak kiveszed a jövedelmet (közben semmi munka)
* nincsenek kisbetűs részek
* nem kell szakmai tapasztalat
* ingyenes regisztráció

* invitációs kód: 
* Elkezdheted akár most is !

Számoljunk egy kicsit :)

Nézzük meg, mit lehet kihozni ilyen kamatok mellett akár 100-200 RON-ból is pár hónap alatt!
Ebben a táblázatban 10-100$-ig van végigvezetve, mit lehet kihozni, ha egy éven keresztül, 30 napos lekötésekre kamatostul visszatesszük a pénzt, a hozammal együtt mindig visszaforgatva. (De természetesen nem csak ez a taktika használható)

Statistics Summary for is ranked #9,782 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. Search engines refer very few visits to the site. Compared with internet averages, the site's users tend to browse from home, and they are disproportionately low-income men over the age of 45 who are not college graduates and have more children. Approximately 47% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). While we estimate that 30% of's visitors are in Russia, where it is ranked #1,050, it is also popular in Nigeria, where it is ranked #920.

Alexa Traffic RankReputation
Global 9,921
Global Rank 
Russia Flag 1,093
Rank in RU 
Sites Linking In 

Update from Leon Reiter (Jun 13, 2011)

Hello Everyone,

It's Leon here. This is an urgent & important Update. I apologize for being a bit late with this one, but still it is topical and very important.

First of all, I would like to pay attention to what has been going on lately. Just returned from a Business trip and was unpleasantly surprised by all the negative feedback and responses received from some Members.
People scream "scam" here and there - now I can see the real scale of the shady so-called "HYIP-industry". There must be so many people who fell victims to the GREEDY HYIP ADMINS that every time we have a LITTLE delay in Payouts, people are losing their TRUST... A SHOCKING fact that makes me sad... 

Shouldn't it be a matter of personal choice whether to stay a Member of Elite Alliance Wealth Club or go for some really QUICK "cash" and put your hard-earned money in the nearest Ponzi?... Any Member can withdraw his/her money at any time and try finding a "SAFE HOME" with some hit-and-run Pyramid scheme. We run a serious Business here and I am fully aware of my obligations to my Partners, be it Elite Alliance Members or my Associates from Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom and all over the world. I am a man of honour and I always do what I can to stick by my promises. Some people just need to stop and ask themselves, "Why am I doing this if I simply do not trust?" It really sounds "insulting" at times when some Individuals call us this and that... 

Now please let me get straight to the Business...

As I mentioned before, I had to go away on a Business trip for several days. I did not take my laptop with me, instead, I took my Sensor Tablet for convenience to show a new Presentation of the InProfit System. Sensor is very handy when it comes to showing presentations on the big screen. That is why it takes so long to process the Pending Payouts, however, now I am back and ready to process them. What is not good is that my Tablet submitted a duplicate AlertPay Mass Payment in a blink of an eye and we are negotiating with AlertPay in regards to this issue. And that is what happens when people do such things under the pressure of negative emotions - thanks to some Members for the support. All this makes me want to give up and close our doors for a limited amount of Members who truly show their wholehearted support, especially when we have a Great Offer from our Partners in Switzerland to provide Capital sufficient to grow financially 10x times faster. What we offer here at Elite Alliance is not just a regular Investment Opportunity, but rather a jewel in the crown of Elite Group. Everyone MUST completely understand that what we offer here in just 30-60 days would take at least 5 years to accomplish with your local bank and could be lost in a day in some HYIP scam. Please excuse my frustrations when I respond to SOME (only a few) Members, but it looks like I am doing this for myself only - there is no gratitude in return. And I feel that we will definitely go PRIVATE by the end of this year.

Anyway, what is more important is the PENDING Withdrawal Requests - I will get them processed within 24-hour time frame. And one more thing, I will upload all our recent Activity Reports as well within 24 hours and will post a short Update to report on the progress and changes.

And the very last thing for the non-believers... Yesterday we processed $260,000 in Payouts, today we have almost the same amount and we will get it done soon. If we were a HYIP, we would not simply be able to sustain if such amounts are paid in full within 2 days. Some IMPATIENT Members should think about that and also look at our Alexa Statistics: 

Elite Alliance is very popular all around the world. Experienced Investors are still investing with us as they know we will STAY while others come and go!

Thanks to all our REAL Supporters for their Unwavering Support!!! We look forward to shake hands with our new and old Alliance Members & Friends to grow and prosper together!

marți, iunie 07, 2011

Update from Leon Reiter (Jun 3, 2011)

Dear Members,

It's Leon here. This is just a very, very short update on what is going on behind the scenes.

I apologize for not letting you all know that we were going to update our server software. Were wanted to do this completely invisibly, but at some point our programmer considered that it was necessary to turn off the Server.
Updates are almost installed and we will have our new Password Recovery Tools set up and available next week. At the same time we will update some parts of our Security Module to meet the new criteria.

Also, we would like to introduce to our Members several new Payment Methods - Wire (SWIFT/IBAN) Transfers, Direct Deposits and our brand-new Debit Card. All arrangements are almost done and we will have a new section on our Private Website in about a week where the Debit Card will be introduced. All this will be explained at greater length in my next Update when I get free from the things this week has snowed me under with.

Now I am getting back to all the Pending Payouts and we should get completely caught up with them WITHIN 24 HOURS. And by the way, I will print and upload the missing Activity Reports tomorrow as it seems I have the busiest week ever.

Thank YOU ALL for ALL your patience and have nice profits Everyone!

With best regards,
Leon Reiter
Elite Group Managing Director

Update from Alex Reiter (Jun 1, 2011)

Dear Business Partners,

After all the recent events, I just cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in some online communities and forums.
I am the second administrator of Elite Alliance and I feel that I have a right to post this.

I was simply shocked by the way some people can be so negative to the whole Elite Alliance and the job Leon does for all the members.
What in the world would affect some of the members to start blaming Leon for such issues as a SECONDARY PASSWORD LOSS?

Leon agreed to help all those members who lost their secondary passwords not only to issue new passwords, but also to credit their accounts with interest for the full period of time.
And now some of these people try to blame the administration for the delay with this.

Imagine the situation where hackers steal your primary password. They will be able to log in to your account, but not able to withdraw your money or change your e-currency account.
But if they recover your secondary password on the first demand then anyone having your primary password can access your secondary password. 
And eventually, what's the sense of having an additional level of security provided by means of SECONDARY PASSWORD???

As we started this process of recovering, we encountered 4 attempts to obtain a new secondary password to withdraw members' funds to a front account.
This can happen when a member's computer gets infected by a Trojan virus. Then a hacker can simply access the email account of a victim, e-currency accounts and so on.

After all, we are in the process of upgrading our website so that any member can recover his/her secondary password by using SECURITY QUESTIONS.
These Security Questions will be set only once during registration by new members. As for the other members, they will receive new secondary passwords.
The most patient members will receive their extra (bonus) earnings, but some impatient members (thankfully only 0.01% of the membership) will receive their initial amounts only. 

I would recommend that the most impatient members read (and learn) our Terms of Agreement page at:

Please pay attention to the following General Policies points:
2. You are responsible for all activity performed online under your password.
5. Elite Alliance will ensure full confidentiality of all personal information and financial data.
10. Elite Alliance reserves the right to terminate service based on a contract violation or the improper use of the service.

Please understand that this only concerns IMPATIENT Members. Our ESTEEMED Members (those who understand the situation and are showing their patience) should not in any way feel that this message pertains to them.

The whole latest delay with payouts is related ONLY to the above situation as we are clearing up database and the system in order to help and protect our members who lost their secondary passwords.
This delay has absolutely nothing to do with our financial situation. Our turnaround totals half a million euros a day, we have millions in assets only in our trade/bank accounts.

And we will sustain for a long time in spite of everything. We are safe as always and will stay that way for years to come. 

The last, but not the least. Leon will come up with an extensive update within the next 24 hours. And by the way, we will have some new payment methods by Friday.
In the end we will have everything back to normal in a matter of days.

Take care and best regards,
Elite Group